कंधा को English में क्या कहते हैं? What is the Meaning of Kandha (कंधा) in English? | Learn English


Kandha (कंधा)

       Shoulder (कंधा)

Translation (अनुवाद):

In English, कंधा (Kandha) refers to the "Shoulder," which is the upper part of the arm that connects to the body and helps with arm movement.

Pronunciation (उच्चारण):

Kandha - (kun-dhuh)

Definition (परिभाषा):

Kandha is the Hindi word for "Shoulder," which is essential for arm movement and provides support to the upper body.

Example Usage in Sentences (वाक्यों में उदाहरण):

    हिंदी वाक्य: उसने भारी बैग अपने कंधे पर उठाया।

    English Sentence: He lifted a heavy bag onto his shoulder.

    हिंदी वाक्य: उसकी कंधे में चोट लग गई।

    English Sentence: He injured his shoulder.

ऊपर वीडियो में हमने Kandha शब्द का मतलब इंग्लिश में बताया है, साथ ही इसके उपयोग के कुछ उदाहरण भी दिए हैं। वीडियो अंत तक जरूर देखें।

क्या आपको पता है की " हथेली " को English में क्या कहते है ???

😎 आपको पता है तो हमें comments में जरूर बताइये। 😎

Detailed Explanation (विस्तृत विवरण):

Shoulder: The shoulder is a joint that connects the arm to the body, enabling a wide range of movements. It is crucial for lifting and rotating the arm.

Cultural Context: In Indian traditions, carrying weight on the shoulder, such as a pot of water or firewood, is a common sight, especially in rural areas.

More Examples (अधिक उदाहरण):

    हिंदी वाक्य: भारी सामान उठाने के कारण उसके कंधे में खिंचाव आ गया।

    English Sentence: He strained his shoulder due to lifting heavy objects.

    हिंदी वाक्य: उसने दोस्त के कंधे पर हाथ रखा।

    English Sentence: He placed his hand on his friend's shoulder.

Summary with Key Takeaways (मुख्य बातों के साथ सारांश):

  • Kandha (कंधा) refers to "Shoulder" in English.
  • The shoulder is vital for arm movement and provides support for lifting.
  • In Indian culture, the shoulder is often used for carrying heavy objects.

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