Jalebi (जलेबी)
Sweet Syrup Coil (मीठी चाशनी वाली कुंडली)
Translation (अनुवाद):
In English, जलेबी (Jalebi) is referred to as a sweet syrup-soaked coil, a popular Indian dessert made from deep-fried batter soaked in sugary syrup.
Pronunciation (उच्चारण):
Jalebi - (juh-lay-bee)
Definition (परिभाषा):
Jalebi is a famous Indian dessert made by deep-frying batter in circular shapes, which are then soaked in sugary syrup. It is known for its crispiness and sweetness and is enjoyed across various parts of India.
Example Usage in Sentences (वाक्यों में उदाहरण):
हिंदी वाक्य: बाजार से गरमागरम जलेबी लेकर आओ।
English Sentence: Bring some hot jalebi from the market.
हिंदी वाक्य: मुझे जलेबी खाना बहुत पसंद है।
English Sentence: I love eating jalebi.
ऊपर वीडियो में हमने Jalebi शब्द का मतलब इंग्लिश में बताया है, साथ ही इसके उपयोग के कुछ उदाहरण भी दिए हैं। वीडियो अंत तक जरूर देखें।
आपके प्रश्न या सुझाव हमें comments में जरूर बताइये।
Detailed Explanation (विस्तृत विवरण):
Sweet Syrup Coil: Jalebi is a coiled, crispy dessert soaked in sweet syrup. It is widely enjoyed across India, particularly during festivals and special occasions.
Cultural Context: Jalebi is not only a favorite dessert in India but also in parts of South Asia and the Middle East. It is often served hot and paired with milk or curd.
More Examples (अधिक उदाहरण):
हिंदी वाक्य: सुबह के नाश्ते में जलेबी और दही खाना पसंद किया जाता है।
English Sentence: Jalebi with curd is a popular breakfast choice.
हिंदी वाक्य: जलेबी मिठाई की दुकानों में आसानी से मिल जाती है।
English Sentence: Jalebi is easily available at sweet shops.
Summary with Key Takeaways (मुख्य बातों के साथ सारांश):
- Jalebi (जलेबी) refers to a deep-fried syrup-soaked dessert in English.
- The word Sweet Syrup Coil is the English equivalent of Jalebi.
- Jalebi is a beloved dessert across India, especially during festivals and celebrations.
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