HP (एचपी)
Hewlett-Packard (ह्यूलेट-पैकार्ड)
Translation (अनुवाद):
In English, HP (HP) refers to the multinational information technology company that produces hardware and software.
Pronunciation (उच्चारण):
HP - (एच-पी)
Definition (परिभाषा):
HP is a well-known technology company that specializes in developing personal computers, printers, and related services. It was originally founded as Hewlett-Packard in 1939.
Example Usage in Sentences (वाक्यों में उदाहरण):
हिंदी वाक्य: मेरे पास एक नया एचपी लैपटॉप है।
English Sentence: I have a new HP laptop.
हिंदी वाक्य: एचपी प्रिंटर की गुणवत्ता बहुत अच्छी है।
English Sentence: The quality of the HP printer is very good.
ऊपर वीडियो में हमने HP शब्द का मतलब इंग्लिश में बताया है, साथ ही इसके उपयोग के कुछ उदाहरण भी दिए हैं। वीडियो अंत तक जरूर देखें।
आपके प्रश्न या सुझाव हमें comments में जरूर बताइये।
Detailed Explanation (विस्तृत विवरण):
Hewlett-Packard: Founded in 1939, HP is one of the world's leading technology companies, known for its innovative products and solutions in computing, printing, and imaging.
Product Range: HP's offerings include personal computers, printers, laptops, and various other hardware and software solutions aimed at both consumers and businesses.
More Examples (अधिक उदाहरण):
हिंदी वाक्य: एचपी के सर्वर व्यवसायों के लिए विश्वसनीय हैं।
English Sentence: HP servers are reliable for businesses.
हिंदी वाक्य: मैंने एचपी के प्रिंटर में नए कार्ट्रिज लगाए।
English Sentence: I installed new cartridges in the HP printer.
Summary with Key Takeaways (मुख्य बातों के साथ सारांश):
- HP (एचपी) refers to Hewlett-Packard, a major technology company.
- The full form is Hewlett-Packard, which specializes in computers and printers.
- HP is known for its reliable products and innovative solutions in technology.
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